In my many years in the Configuration Manager product group for Microsoft, I was often asked what my favorite feature of the product was. I never did answer that question, as there are many features in the product that I really like. Well, I kept getting asked, so I finally relented and decided to create my “Top 10” list of features in the product. The upcoming webinar will discuss those features. While it may not really be a “Top 10”, as I don’t really rank them, and may not even have 10 in my list, it is a list of my favorites.
To give you a little teaser in preparation for the webinar, I’ll take a couple of minutes to introduce just one of those features to you.
Top Configuration Manager Feature
One of the features that I really like in the Configuration Manager 2012 R2 product is the migration feature. This feature was originally designed to help you move your objects from Configuration Manager 2007 to Configuration Manager 2012. That was important, as you could not do an in-place upgrade, rather you were forced to perform a migration due to the massive changes between the two versions. The migration feature allows you to take those objects that you want to maintain, such as collection definitions, packages, software update lists, and so on, from your Configuration Manager 2007 site, and automatically recreate them in your Configuration Manager 2012 site. This happens without you having to recreate those items manually, which is certainly a time consuming process. Migration allows you to pick-and-choose those objects you want move over, ignoring those objects no longer needed. This is a great way to clean up your site.
To hear the full details on this feature, as well as the others on my list, and how to properly implement them, you’ll need to tune into the webinar, or view the recording of it.
Wally Mead is a Principal Program Manager at Cireson. He currently focuses on the improvement and development of products, and drives further innovation between Configuration Manager and Cireson apps. He also consults on Configuration Manager as a key part of the Cireson team.
In addition, Wally continues to provide education for the community through presenting webinars, speaking at conferences (such as TechEd, System Center Universe, Midwest Management Summit), and conducting training courses, as well as assisting the community on the Microsoft TechNet forums.