Most of us at some point have tried to find a particular number format, but we weren’t able to find one that satisfies our needs.
There will be another blog to follow this one that specifically deals with time, this one is just about dates.
How-To![excel custom date how to]()
In order to create a custom number format, you’ll need to access the Format Cells
window. Once there, choose the “Custom” option from the left hand side. Under the word “Type” you’ll be typing in your custom number format.
How to Type the Format
Customizing dates is easy! We just have to know what the simple code is. Keep in mind, you don’t NEED the day, month, and year. You can choose to display just the month, or the year.
Formatting Characters
Put in the following codes on the left to achieve the look on the right
YYYY 2016
YY 16
Code on the left; result on the right
MMMM January
MM 01
M 1
Code on the left; result on the right
DDDD Friday
DD 01
D 1
Examples in Practice:
Want your employees’ birth years to be hidden? Try
MMM DD to see
Use the dashed, commas and slashes where ever you’d like them.
DDDD, MMM DD will give you
The TEXT function
The above method allows us to see something displayed without excel actually considering it a different value. However if your objective is to actually have the date value be retrievable by another function, then you’ll want to use the TEXT function. It has the same formatting rules conveniently.
The benefit in this case is that some other function is dependent on this cell to say “January”, it will be able to retrieve that text.