Docker was introduced to the world at the Python Developer Conference in 2013. Since then, what began with minimal fanfare has grown into a torrent of interest!
Every year there is a tidal wave of new products. Docker has risen above the noise and established itself as an important and unique solution. It is redefining modern computing.
What is Docker? Docker allows you to bundle an application with all of its dependencies into a single shareable, portable, and transportable unit of execution. All hosted by a virtual operating system. Translation: Docker makes it infinitely easier to deploy, manage, and scale an application.
Docker has almost single-handedly defined a new role in IT – the Devops role. Devops is essentially the blending of the traditional system administrator role and software developer. Docker allows a single person to orchestrate the application lifecycle management of a product. You no longer need a myriad of people in different roles.
For developers, Docker brought renewed interest in Microservices. Docker provides a convenient environment for deploying units of discrete business logic that are the building blocks of Microservices.
Now Docker is coming to Window also. Microsoft included support for Docker containers in the upcoming release of Windows Server 2016. This is much more than just a port of the Docker technology. Microsoft has advanced the community and added several important new features.
Docker offers something of value for virtually everyone. Whether you are interested in Docker for Linux or being an early adopter of Docker for Windows, contact LearnIt today. Your training and consulting center for all things Docker.