With the vast majority (over 85%) of Fortune 500 companies tapping into SharePoint, the value of using SharePoint has never been greater. Whether your team is ready or not, organizations implementing the collaboration platform are moving full steam ahead. In the last year alone, usage of SharePoint has grown by 90% and by more than 10 million new sites.
Technology as a means of collaboration is indisputably here to stay, but the means in which it is implemented can often create more problems than it solves. With more and more processes and tools being digitized, how sure are you that your team is using SharePoint to it’s greatest potential?
The information stored in SharePoint is only as good as it is accessible. If no one can find the information they need when they need it, what good is it?
PowerApps are simplified, easy-to-make mobile apps designed to tap into new modern SharePoint lists and present the data contained within them in a mobile friendly way.
● To create your own, simply select “PowerApps” and choose “Create an app”
● Give your new app a name and you’re off!
To access created apps, download the PowerApps app from the iOS App Store or Google Play Store. Once you open the app you’ will see all your created PowerApps!
By: Sean Bugler
Sean Bugler is a Technical Trainer with Learn iT!. After years as a trainer for Foot Locker, he now spends most of his time working with organizations to develop more effective data analysts, executive assistants, and everyone in between. When he’s not teaching you can find him tinkering with his smart home over a good cup of coffee.
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