Microsoft’s Office 365 has undergone various updates since first launching in 2011. What started as a simple vehicle for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint web apps has evolved into an incredible stable of web-based productivity tools for everyday use.
Here at Learn iT! we are constantly seeking feedback on how our customers are using applications to enhance productivity. This helps us to build programs and services that are more relevant and useful to everyone.
Help us by providing your feedback around Office 365 by filling out this SHORT SURVEY and you will automatically be entered to win a $100 Amazon Card.
Want to get to know Office 365? Try a 10 day free trial of Learn iT! Anytime here.
By: Sean Bugler
Sean Bugler is a Technical Trainer with Learn iT!. After years as a trainer for Foot Locker, he now spends most of his time working with organizations to develop more effective data analysts, executive assistants, and everyone in between. When he’s not teaching you can find him tinkering with his smart home over a good cup of coffee.
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